イベント情報その3 Christmas fair info. #3


白金台の駅から目黒方向に歩く事数分、自然教育園の向かい側に大きめのガラス窓が印象的な自家焙煎珈琲店 Jubilee Coffee and Roasterさんがある。今回クリスマスフェアのために、店主の関根さんと一緒に冬向けのブレンド珈琲を作った。
After a couple of min. walk from Shirokanedai sta., you’ll find the home roasting coffee shop “Jubilee Coffee and Roaster”, opposite side of The Institute for Nature Study. I asked Mr. Sekine who is the shop owner to make a original blended coffee together for “LOCCA & Kyoko Creation Christmas Special Fair at Shirokanedai” coming on this weekend.

Jubilee Coffee and Roaster_1Jubilee Coffee and Roaster 店内とボーダーが似合う関根氏。
Mr. Sekine at the counter in Jubilee Coffee and Roaster
Look at the white bear on the counter! It’s a speaker.


『カッピング』で香りや味等を確かめる。カッピングは、ワインを選ぶ上でのテイスティングのように コーヒーの甘味や酸味、苦味、あとに続く余韻などといった味や香り、 品質の良し悪しを客観的に、総合的に判断するもの。

I tried “coffee cupping” to dicide which coffee beans will be the main beans for this blended coffee. Coffee cupping is the practice of observing the tastes and aromas of brewed coffee and analyze and grade different beans for quality.
First of all, smelling the dry grounds (photo in left below). Add hot water and smelling their aroma (photo in right below).
coffee cupping 1  coffee cupping 2

Break the surface of the samples after extracted, each cup is skimmed clean of grounds to allow for tasting. In a professional cupping, cuppers taste the coffees by slurping them from spoons, being sure to aspirate the coffee all over their mouths and check the sweetness, sourness, bitterness, aftertaste, richness or balancing as well. It was the first experience for me, but was very interesting because I’ve never had to taste such a different kinds of beans at the same time.

coffee cupping 3

本来は豆一種類の方が、スペシャリティコーヒーを飲むのに適しているのかもしれない。しかし逆にブレンドすることで豆1種類だけでは持ち得ないテイストをプラスし、1 + 1= 2+αが生まれる面白さもある。
Now, Sekine-san brewed some coffee from them. We’ve chosen Ethiopian beans as main beans for this time.
Actually, it would be suitable drink just one kind of the beans as for a specialty coffee but I think it would be very interesting sometime ‘cause it would be able to add some other taste by blending it which is not originally has.
brewed coffee

Sample blended coffee prepared later.
Sekine-san blended three kinds of coffee thinking that balance and changing their ratio.
We’ve made a original wintry blended coffee which has flowery Ethiopian aroma and richness.
sample coffee




After you bought whole coffee beans, must be kept in an airtight container and be put in a cool dark place. As a matter of course to buy fresh beans, but sweetness and a fragrance become strongly more than 24 hours after roasting.
Enjoy the changing their taste and use them as soon as possible.
By the way, some people ask Sekine-san which beans with a little sourness? So did I. But he said that if beans are fresh and good quality, you’ll think sourness could be briskness and leave a clean aftertaste. Good coffee has a good balance of not only sweetness but also sourness. Also, beans are not always same roasting. Green coffee beans has different conditions in each bags even if it’s same name of the beans. So Sekine-san will control very delicately everytime when he roast beans. Such a professional work!
He is a very gentle person and answers my elementary questions nicely. I’m so happly to have a reliable coffee shop nearby my area.


Jubilee Coffee and Roaster店内
Jubilee Coffee and Roaster_2  Roaster



Jubilee Coffee and Roaster
営業時間:10:00 – 20:00
3-18-10 Shirokanedai Minato-ku, Tokyo
Open: 10:00 – 20:00

Closed every Tuesday
3 min. walk from Shirokanedai station #1 exit.